Papilloma in men - characteristics of the infection and the course of the infection

Papillomavirus infection is widespread throughout the world. HPV infection occurs regardless of age and sex, but the course of the disease and its development has its own characteristics in men and women.

For the stronger sex, the papilloma virus can lead to certain disturbances in sexual life and provoke the appearance of related health problems.

The reasons

human papillomavirus molecules

The human papillomavirus has such a microscopic structure that it can penetrate the body through the smallest microcracks on the skin and mucous membranes.

In this regard, there are several possible HPV infections, namely:

  • Sexual transmission. You can get an infection not only through ordinary intimate contact, but also through oral contact. In homosexual men, HPV enters through anal contact through cracks in the skin and in the rectum. Trauma to the mucous membranes during sex increases the risk of infection.
  • Domestic route of infection. The virus can be in a viable state for a long time in a moist environment, and therefore there is a high probability of its transmission in bathrooms, saunas, through a personal towel. Cases of infection have been described in beauty salons where the rules for disinfecting manicure sets and other tools were ignored. Transmission of the virus through instruments in dental or surgical offices is possible.
  • From mother to baby during birth.

Men who frequently change sexual partners are most likely to become HPV-positive.

It is believed that the younger the girl, the more likely she is to have the papillomavirus in her body - most cases of detected infection occur before the age of 25. Virgins can also be infected with HPV because oral and other types of sexual contact are often practiced before traditional sex.

Unfortunately, barrier contraception, i. e. the condom, does not provide a 100% guarantee of preventing HPV infection. This is due to the fact that this microorganism, due to its minimal size, easily penetrates through the pores of the latex. Naturally, a condom reduces the likelihood of a possible infection, but does not completely eliminate it.

It should also be borne in mind that the microorganism is found in a certain amount in saliva and therefore can be transmitted through kisses.

The risk of possible HPV infection increases in men who have bad habits. The probability of infection increases with the weakening of the body's defenses, after prolonged treatment, while taking antibiotics.


The fact that he is a carrier of the papillomavirus, a person may not suspect until the activation of the vital activity of this microorganism occurs. The reason for this change is often the weakening of the functioning of the immune defense.

The latent carrier of the infection takes a period of two weeks to a year, in some cases this interval is significantly extended.

The activation of the virus leads to the fact that part of it accumulates in a certain place on the skin or mucous membranes. The accumulation and development of papillomavirus changes the functions of epithelial cells and this leads to a tumor-like process.

Papillomas can form on almost any part of our body, most often they become noticeable when they appear in the armpits, on the face, neck and genitals. Sometimes the process of papilloma formation is accompanied by itching and burning.

papillomas on the abdomen of a man

Papillomavirus formations on the body grow in the form of plaques, warts, filiform swellings on the legs. The biggest danger is genital warts, in men they are located on the penis, they can grow around the anus or inside the urethra.

Initially, these growths most often look like small pimples, in advanced cases they can merge with each other, forming a growth resembling the shape of a cauliflower.

In themselves, genital warts are unpleasant only because of a cosmetic defect. But if they are not removed and not treated in general with a papillomatous infection, then there is a risk of degeneration of the changed epithelial cells into cancer.

Sometimes during sexual intercourse or careless movements, papillomas are injured, which leads to slight bleeding and soreness. With the strengthening of the immune system, self-healing often occurs, that is, the papillomas disappear or become smaller.


The consequences of infection with the papillomavirus for men are very unpleasant and depend on the strain of this microorganism.

If the inside of the urethra is affected, there is a risk of rapid growth and spread of genital warts inside the urethra. This leads to its partial or complete blockage, which negatively affects the outflow of urine and affects the development of disorders in the functioning of the urinary organs.

The appearance of growths on the glans penis, around the anus and in the rectum increases the likelihood that a benign growth will become malignant.

Rectal cancer is found more often in men who practice non-traditional sexual intercourse. With oral sex, there is a risk of papilloma formation in the throat, which is manifested by various unpleasant sensations.

A man infected with HPV also poses a certain danger to the women in his environment. For a husband or other sexual partner, such a man will be the most likely source of infection. There is a risk of infecting sisters, mothers, daughters when using one towel, bathroom accessories in the family.

Diagnostic methods

Pap test for HPV in men

Establishing the diagnosis begins with an examination of the external genitalia and the patient's entire body.

The doctor must necessarily collect an anamnesis, i. e. clarify when the formations on the body appeared, what the patient associates their growth with, and find out if there are certain complaints.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient must pass several tests, namely:

  • A swab or scraping from the lining inside the urethra.
  • PCR test to determine the type of virus, its quantitative content. This analysis is performed after taking a Pap smear, prostate secretion or blood.
  • Biopsy - examination of a tissue sample taken during the removal of genital warts or from the site of a change in the mucous layer.
  • Ureteroscopy helps to visually examine changes in the urethra.

Men who have homosexual contacts are advised to examine tampons from the anal area.

Methods of treatment of papilloma virus in men

The choice of methods of treatment for human papillomavirus in men depends on which strain of the virus is found in the man.

If a pathogen with high oncogenic activity is detected, then effective antiviral treatment is prescribed, and in the future it is necessary to constantly repeat the tests.

Papillomas and condylomas are removed from the skin and mucous membranes in several ways. This can be both a conventional incision with a scalpel and more modern methods - laser treatment, electrocoagulation, radio wave method.

After removing the papillomas, it is necessary to increase the body's resistance to infections, which will reduce the risk of infection with another type of HPV.


Prevention of human papillomavirus infection is understanding in sexual relations and, if possible, sexual contacts only with trusted partners. Prevention methods include following simple rules in everyday life, that is, using only one's own towel and underwear, following a healthy lifestyle.

Infection can be prevented by vaccination. A special vaccine has been developed against HPV, administered three times at a certain interval. Vaccination leads to the fact that the body develops immunity to certain strains of papilloma virus.