Treatment of papillomas on the body - the most effective drugs

Human papillomavirus infection is mainly transmitted through sexual contact. To date, more than 100 viral strains are known, which differ in the degree of oncogenicity. Recently, clinicians have begun to attribute all skin neoplasms, including papillomas, to a precancerous condition, which is why adequate treatment of papillomas on the body and timely removal are so important.

Which doctor should I go to with papillomas on the body?

the doctor examines the papilloma for recommended removal with medication

Unfortunately, human papillomavirus occurs in an asymptomatic form for a long time and even after the appearance of papillomas on the body is not expressed in any way.

Patients are accustomed to seeing a doctor only with clear anxious symptoms:

  • pain,
  • itching
  • leakage of serous exudate, blood.

Often such symptoms of papilloma characterize a malignant disease or inflammation.

If neoplasms appear on the body, it is advisable to consult a general practitioner or directly to a dermatologist. If a human papillomavirus infection is suspected, a dermatologist may refer you to an infectious disease specialist, venereologist, gynecologist, or urologist.

Anxiety symptoms require consultation with oncologists.

How to stop the growth and cure papillomas on the body?

Removal of papillary lesions alone will not solve the HPV problem.

New neoplasms will reappear under favorable circumstances:

  1. Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  2. Colds or hypothermia;
  3. Stress factor;
  4. Long-term drug treatment.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely remove the virus from the body, but modern medicine is able to provide stable remission in terms of further pathogenic activity of HPV strains.

Adequate drug therapy prevents the development of new papillary foci, and topical drugs destroy the structure of the papilloma and lead to its self-amputation.

Tablets for papillomas on the body

The tablets are prescribed, if necessary, systemic treatment to stop the activity of viral strains. At the same time, they solve the problem of treating combined pathologies or other predisposing factors that could lead to activation of the virus.

pills for the treatment of papillomas

The following drugs are prescribed to treat the symptoms of HPV:

  • Immunostimulatory antivirals. The active substances suppress the pathogenic viral activity for a short time. Along with the antiviral effect, the drugs stimulate the production of their own antibodies, which fight the virus and completely destroy the strains.
  • Antiviral drugs of herbal origin. The substances effectively fight viral infection; after a few days of use, they destroy viral strains at the DNA level. These funds are taken on the first day of recurrent growth. Side effects include nausea, dyspepsia and stool disorders.
  • Purine-based synthetic products. The daily dose is 2-3 tablets per day, and in case of severe infection, the dose is increased to 5-6 tablets per day.
  • High efficiency immunomodulators. Given that the growth and reproduction of papillomas are possible only against the background of reduced immunity, the prescription of drugs is symptomatic. The daily dose is 1 tab. 4 times a day. The tablets are not prescribed during pregnancy and children under 10 years.
  • Tablets with a broad spectrum of action, which are highly effective against HPV, fungal infection, pathogenic microorganisms. Drugs increase the effectiveness of other antiviral drugs, there are virtually no contraindications. The course of treatment is 14-21 days long.

HPV tablets are taken strictly after the appointment of the attending physician. This is due to oral administration, passage of the drug through the digestive tract and a possible negative effect of the tablets on the condition of internal organs and systems.

Creams and ointments

Topical preparations against papillomas on the body can be used alone at home, which greatly simplifies therapy. Unlike the use of tablets, ointments directly affect the papillomatous focus, destroying viral DNA and normalizing adequate cell regeneration.

papilloma ointment

There are several basic medications that can be used at home:

  • Salicylic ointment. An agent with an active substance concentration of 60% is used for treatment. The course of treatment depends on the effectiveness of therapy. Thus, the treatment lasts from 7 to 14 days with a short break, after which the treatment can be continued. Salicylic ointment may cause slight tingling, pain, itching. An affordable and affordable product will not harm, but will have a pronounced bactericidal and regenerating effect.
  • Oxolin liniment 3%. The main difference from nasal ointment is the concentration of the active substance. 3% oxolin is needed to remove papillomatous foci. The drug has a pronounced antiviral effect, prevents the appearance of new papillary foci.
  • Ointment with interferon. Effective local immunomodulators that actively enhance local immunity. The active substance is human interferon, which has an antiviral effect. A characteristic feature is the lack of contraindications, which is why the agent is widely used in pediatric practice.
  • Zinc ointment. The drug is effective against many dermatological diseases, including papillomas and warts. Zinc paste is absorbent, astringent and anti-inflammatory. The liniment is based on zinc oxide, which dries the papilloma, contributing to its rapid fall.
  • Ointments against papillomas with salicylic acid in the composition are effective. The preparations are applied 2 times a day with an applicator or a cotton swab, avoiding contact with healthy skin areas.
  • Ointments with herbal ingredients. The drugs increase local immunity, help increase the synthesis of interferon. The drugs destroy the structure of the papilloma, eliminate not only the external growth, but also the root of the neoplasm.
  • Ointments with complex composition and antibiotics. The main ingredients are the antibiotic chloramphenicol and methyluracil, which belongs to the group of immunomodulators. Ointments contribute to the normal regeneration of skin cells, normalize the water balance in the skin structures. The total course of treatment is 4 weeks, 2-3 applications per day.

The general complex therapy lasts up to several weeks. Patients should take systemic medicines together with topical agents to stop the viral process as soon as possible.

The course of antiviral therapy should not be interrupted!

Against the background of drug treatment, a person should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat properly and drink vitamin complexes. This is a holistic approach to the treatment of HPV, which allows you to maintain a stable immunity for a long time and prevent the appearance of new papillomas on the body with different localization.

Be healthy and happy!